Proverbs 13:6 Kings and coups
Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless [the person of integrity], But wickedness [lawlessness] overthrows [subverts, undermines] the sinner. Proverbs 13:6 NKJV
Solomon personifies righteousness and lawlessness as either a protector or a villain looking for my downfall. They are two dispositions in constant tension, working out their natures in my life like peaches appearing on one tree, or thorns on a spindly vine appearing on another. Righteousness is like an overprotective parent wanting to keep me safe. She puts rails on the side of my road so if I nudge unexpectedly off the asphalt, I won’t plunge over the edge. In contrast, wickedness is like a jealous stilted lover — looking constantly for my failure. My attitude of not respecting the laws and systems in place for the benefit of all provides an opportunity and permission for my adversary to do the same toward me.
Why the polarity? Why must it be one or another? There are many dangers in this world. There are unseen enemies that would like to see me fail. It is all because of one thing: the incredible glory and majesty that God has bestowed on humanity. There is a power and presence in every living person that reflects the kingdom of God. Yet in this little body of clay, this vessel of ignorance and dependence, this self-willed, self-propelled, self-motivated shell is a capacity to hold the divine. God himself. It is at this intersection that I become who I was created to be. What does that look like? Like the man Christ Jesus, only in the 21st century with an iPhone. It is this reality that has the invisible adversary — the opponent reflected in this physical world in thousands of ways — motivated to leverage every flaw and failure that I exhibit to overthrow and traumatize me. He would like nothing more than to see this powerful “God-man” whimpering in a corner curled into a ball.
Life is easy to summarize: I’m either guarded, or destroyed.
Because of this, I must pay attention to the fruitfulness and motivations in my life. In a perfect world, I would be guarded constantly. Safe. Secure. Yet I am not perfect. So often without even knowing it I make mistakes, bad choices, and speak words that are not helpful. Yet even in my ignorance, I can recognize there are many things I don’t know and possibly cannot know — yet I still believe that knowing God, his ways, and embracing his good intent for my life will be enough. Just like a child does not know everything — nor is expected to — neither do I, yet we both trust that our good parent will guard us and show us the way we should go.
Why is there so much suffering in the world? Sin has created an opportunity for each of us to be accused. So I pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, today.” Let goodness invade where evil and wickedness had an opportunity. Let the kingdom of my good Father prevail. Mercy prevails!
Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
James 2:13 NIV