Matthew 6:10 Alignment with Heaven
Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 NASB1995
There is something about God’s kingdom coming that connects with His will being done, not just in heaven, but also on earth. In the context of personal prayer, it is easy to interpret this to mean, that in order for that kingdom to arrive, it must be on the backs (or wills) of those who have given up their willfulness. Similar to what Jesus did in the garden* when he prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done.” Giving up my identity, dreams, talents, and goals has come to embody the perfect self-sacrifice and yielding to God — needed for his coming. But this is NOT the case.
This overemphasized focus on conquering the carnal man actually masks the intent this prayer — an intent which is actually asking for “more willfulness” in me, not less. This may sound shocking to those who have been steeped in religious self-denial, so please hear me out.
God’s kingdom coming is about the intersection of two realms: the heavenly and the earthly. The human and the divine. It is something unique, and potentially never even considered before, even by the most devout believers.
There is an entire spiritual backstory and invisible system of supply, governance, and enablement that energizes the things that I see. It is not often apparent because they are not readily visible. Hidden even. These out-of-sight things may be seen clearly in what has been made; the living breathing planet along with the events occurring on this little speck in the universe. The intersection of the spirit with the flesh is the design of our Maker.
This intersection occurs at my invitation. It is the behavior I own. It is the expression that I choose to excel within. It is the good I wish to do that invites His gifts and presence. As in the parable of the talents, it is when one fully used his gift, whereas the other hid it in fear. Today, there are many gifted people who excel in doing. Their very enablement reflects this spirit/flesh synergy. But there is more. Much more.
In days gone by, there were giants. There was an intersection of the “Sons of God” with the daughters of men. It was a time when this principle and power was fully embraced and lived out… yet it was done so in darkness after the fall of Adam. Hosts that rebelled against the Most High embraced this intersection to multiply evil on the world unlike anything we could imagine today. Until Christ.
The will of heaven (whether dark or light) was never intended to be imposed upon man. Yet the powers of darkness lust for inhabitation. In fact, the dust is their portion for dinner[1]. Evil is easy. Sin is fun. Excelling at being bad seems so counterintuitive to someone reading these words — if it weren’t for the Spirit of God holding back these forces. Yet, there is an expression of man, and God, that was introduced to man as a voluntary but natural progression of growth in my time on earth. This intersection is not just me flourishing in my gifts, rather, it is me choosing to excel in them. Pushing the boundaries of what I think I may do. It’s to live fully, inviting the Heavenly expression within me. If I have a gift of some sort, and I choose to pursue it, there comes a point when I am inviting my heavenly counterparts to flush out, inhabit, and excel in that gift in a way the natural man is unable to. It is fully me, being enabled even more fully by His kingdom.
To be more specific, there are gifted heavenly agents that are absolutely aligned with God and His kingdom. They are near to Him. Reflect Him in their activities. When they appear, by all regards it is God appearing. Why create a distinction when there is none? Unlike darkness and hell, these spirits do not force and tempt their way inside of me through sin. They are available through invitation.
What I don’t know
The extent of heaven’s enablement is like the strength of Samson. It starts with Samson and increases in impact many times what a man is able to do. It starts with David who is willing to pick up a stone and sling and increases to leadership of Israel. It starts with Moses’ humility and openness to hear and do and results in Moses seeing the “pattern of the temple” and being entrusted with building its image and setting up earthly statutes for access. It starts with Jesus being called a Son and concludes with him being given all power in heaven and earth and inheriting and owning the whole deal. There is no thing that is off limits to the sons and daughters of God.
We are the mighty men of God.
Nothing is withheld from those to whom God has already demonstrated that he will give ALL things.
Possibilities are unlimited. Let him live them out in me. Inhabit me. Accept the synergy without reservation. Be trained by it. There is no shame in knowing I am a vessel, ready to be filled. What I am in my person, I am. My character and choices are mine. But my effectiveness and ability to perform are enabled on earth by God, through this incredible intersection.
When I leave this body, what has been made in darkness, in my limited sight, by my ears hearing, heart believing, and strength doing, the real-time choices I make, then my opportunity to enjoy this heavenly wonder will be over. But today, while I have breath, humility, passion, desire, He will empower me with real power. Dunamis. Holy Spirit power. The filling of this flesh with the real energy to do.
If I believe. If I am little. If I let love be the motivation.
* When Jesus was in the garden praying, God was asking him to do something unique in the scope of human history. Something that no one will be required to do again. Offering himself for sin was only done once. I know there are petty little lusts that I maintain and would like to yield for a higher good. But yielding up my will for my own sake and betterment is something entirely different than what His kingdom coming is about.
[1] Genesis 3:14. “The Lord God said to the serpent, “…cursed are you more than all cattle, and more than the beast of the field; on your belly you will go, and dust you will eat all the days of your life.”