Proverbs 11:7 Hope and expectation_

Hopes placed in mortals die with them; all the promise of their power comes to nothing. Proverbs‬ ‭11:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The New KJV translation:

When a wicked man dies, his expectation will perish, And the hope of the unjust perishes. Proverbs‬ ‭11:7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬

Hope and expectation are a universal compasses within man that provide a well of energy, motivation, activity and camaraderie. There are a couple of ways to look at this proverb. The first from a perspective that Solomon fleshes out in Ecclesiastes: An earth-centered approach to our existence with nothing beyond what mortals see. When one dies, that’s it. Whatever plans or dreams a person has dies with them. It is an earthly, natural view.

The second takes a longer view of life. I was created as an eternal soul. Each person has gifts, talents, abilities, and promises whispered into our ear from an early age. Even as I get older and the lofty plans that are embedded within do not seem like they could possibly be fulfilled during this life, I recognize that flesh is temporary but the promise is enduring: there is a fulfillment beyond the grave. The righteousness he gives me is not confined to this life. This life is merely the seed to next when I will receive a body that does not wear down. And neither does the promise, or the hope and expectation of its fulfillment. Incredible.

Except… for those that haven’t found his grace and mercy. This is sad and tragic. Even disturbing. It should never be. I took a tour the Hearst Castle in San Simeon California recently. It’s an amazing gilded estate on a hillside with a gorgeous view. The expansive house with pieces of art decorating every wall make one’s head spin. Yet, when William Randolph died, the plans for his home, wealth, and family died with him. Construction was halted, and a portion of the house remains unfinished. Without making a judgment on his soul, his ambitions were earthly. And when he breathed his last breath, so did his plans.

Buried within me are incredible promises. The Holy Spirit has spoken them to me again and again. If their fulfillment were in this life only, I would feel frustrated and miserable because I see very little opportunity of them being fulfilled on earth. Isn’t that like our God? He puts more than enough within, but not with the intent to frustrate, rather, to look forward. I hear his voice telling me they are for a different time and location. Wait for them. Hope for them. Expect them. My treasure is guarded in heaven where I have deposited it for safekeeping, and that is where my heart is. The gifts, vision, and hope for tomorrow are incomplete without… Him. Like an appliance that finds a power source for my plug.

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