Proverbs 11:10 Thriving cities_

When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. Proverbs‬ ‭11:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬

I was with a co-worker last night while visiting Colorado. She returned to Denver after living in Anchorage several years. I asked, “What do you like best about Denver?” She replied, “There are people! and events, like we had just attended, and fresh food where you are not constantly checking for an expiration date already in the past.” Although I’m sure Anchorage has it’s bright spots, there is something to be said for where people come together into a thriving city.

The people of God are blessed. Prosperous. Our Father not only provides the necessities, but he gives to us abundantly— over the top. Freely received, we freely give! The blessing is not only in our labor, or what we have done to gain it, but in who our Father is, and the circumstances he provides in which the plant grows, buds, and blossoms. We share what we have, but even more, who we are — our gifts, talents, wisdom, perspective, our voice, art, writing, craftsmanship. And when we prosper, it is well for the city! Anchorage and Denver.

It’s an interesting juxtaposition of the righteous and the wicked. When one happens, (the prosperity of the righteous or the perishing of the wicked) the other seems to be a response to it. Light and darkness cannot inhabit the same space. One gives, one takes. One supplies, the other uses up all the supplies. One brings contentment, the perishing of the other brings dancing in the streets.

When you feel taken care of you have great joy. And when you have a sliver removed or a wound healed, you also feel blessed. There is joy in both.

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