Catching His Attention_
When I think of the ways that a man can catch the attention of God, my first thoughts go toward supreme acts of giving, denial, and sacrifice. Things that are comprised of human effort. But this morning I’m sensing that something else impacts Him more. Any act of faith, big or small is attention-shifting. Hearing His word, feeling the energy and motivation in my heart, then believing and acting. Faith is the fragrance He notices. And trust. When I listen to Him speaking to me, my heart erupts with the possibilities. But hearing is only the beginning. Then it’s time to decide what I will do with it. Do I step out into the deep end and put that belief into action or hold it inside — even if it is not what I expected? When I respond to what He asks, His attention is riveted in my direction. Equally as impacting is when my heart that waits in faith… trusting. Trust too is an offspring of faith but is more focused on patience and perseverance.
I think back on my history as a believer I sometimes conclude that my life has produced very few results. I embarked in this way with a devotion to God’s service. But I was determined that my service had to connect with a calling. And His calling has been strangely missing. When I ask, “why?” He responds, “What if I want you for myself?”
When I review that same history, looking from a heavenly perspective, I see time and again my path forged by choices I have made in faith in the words I know I have heard. Although they did not result in “service” to others, instead, they focused on being grounded in Him. Believing. Putting my job, income, family, and future in His hands. And I feel an overwhelming delight from my Savior for making those choices—almost too passionate to write about.
Faith. It’s what causes my life to intersect with the unseen realm. No wonder it was such an important thing to Jesus.