John 5:15 Sin and Sickness_
Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” John 5:14 NIV
What could be worse than sitting crippled for 38 years? Whatever illness or condition this man had, Jesus connected it with sin. Similarly in Mark 2:5 Jesus said to the paralytic who was lowered from a roof to where Jesus was, “Your sins are forgiven.” Sin and sickness are connected.
The Pulpit Commentary says: The “sin no longer” makes it seem as though man’s will could accomplish much, and as though all the future of our life were, so far as human responsibility goes, dependent upon ourselves. We are to act as if it were.
Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Romans 12:9
Stop doing wrong or Cease to do evil. Isaiah 1:16
When the children of God are sick, the cause is not always so black and white, nor should we jump to conclusions about why. In this story, they are related. There is an unseen world looking for opportunities to take advantage of man and deliver a world of hurt to not only me, but to the Father who loves me.
What is it about sin that provides an opportunity for sickness, or weakness of any kind? Paul says:
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse… Romans 1:20 NKJV
Although this quote doesn’t address the question directly, it speaks of a connection between heaven and earth, the physical and the spiritual. They are tightly woven, one reality is reflected in the other. In Genesis, the light (truth) was created before the sun, yet the sun is our source of light. The daily cycle of work and rest reflect also what my spirit needs. My body’s desire for food and water reflect my spirit and soul’s need for the life-giving words in the context of the Holy Spirit. Seeing with my eyes represents understanding. The birth process, seasons, the information contained in DNA, the order of the universe and the laws that uphold the way things work, these are all reflections of the kingdom’s attributes. And chief among these marvels is our body. The systems that govern it, the hormones, the balance of our sugar levels, temperature levels, the ability to not only see, hear, and feel, but to make sense of our world through learning and experience, the connection between our state of mind and our body’s response. There is something so fearful and wonderful about our body. Is it any wonder that when my spirit has been violated with sin that there is a physical reflection of that reality?
Bad things happen. And if I knew the extended consequences of everything that I choose and do, I would treat my decisions with much more gravity. Almost every physical or emotional hurt and damaging event can be traced back to sin at some point. But that does not mean that an individual affected by the bad is the one who caused it. But sometimes it does.
Grace. Jesus came to set things right again.
But why worse?
When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. Luke 11:24-26 NIV
My Father intended human bodies to be a home for the Spirit of God. I am a temple (and some among us have a good sized congregation). We open our mind and spirit to kindness, joy, wisdom, prudence, industriousness, empathy, faithfulness, loyalty, and laughter. Our house was intended to be filled with all the good things and prosperity of the kingdom. But since Adam’s first sin, there was a way made for an invading and evil influence — for mistrust, murder, anger, shame, hate, and a whole host of other spirits — spirits that God never intended to invade man. Every day, this invisible world battles for a place in my mind and body. It is why Jesus taught his disciples to pray daily to be delivered from temptation. And when sin has a beachhead in my thoughts, and makes inroads into my life, one thing is certain, its expression is soon to follow. Anger or hate isn’t just a sin against another, it’s a sin against my body.
Forgiveness of sin and healing are tightly connected. Jesus’ forgiveness is the first step. The doctor sets the shoulder back in the socket, but that doesn’t guarantee dislocation will not occur again. Once Jesus sweeps the house, it’s up to us to fill it. But the amazing news isn’t just forgiveness, it’s the tutor, the counselor who will abide within us and show us how to live. The house was swept so the presence of the living God could take up habitation. It’s not enough to stop the wrong. We must have a relationship with love. His wisdom must show us how to resolve the tough stuff we face every day to reverse the 38 years of pain we thought we must own. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is the key.