John 8:45-47 Religious imposters

But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears God’s words, therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.

John 8:45-47 NKJV

You are not of God

Harsh? Judgmental? Who else could have spoken words like these to “God’s people?” These are people who play that part, own it, project it, and manage every perception so that they are honored as religious. The irony is, although they belong to Israel, which is God’s nation, their hearts are no different from men in all the nations — faithless. But before the entire religious system is dismissed, I pause and reflect that Moses entrusted Israel with carrying His presence, and the tribe of Levi with the office of the priesthood. For a season, they were given authority to lead and instruct Israel in the ways of God. But through, shifting values, faithlessness, and a tempter who led them astray, they no longer are worthy of the office. Time for a shift.

But first, give them a chance.

Jesus wasn’t sent to the Samaritans or Gentiles. He was sent to Israel.* Change is coming. Will you be on board? From Jesus’ perspective, there was an axe already laid to the root of the tree of national Israel. The way of life as they knew it was about to change. There was a release of heaven about to occur, an incredible rush of the Spirit of God filling men! Great grace through the great sacrifice of the son. New wine could no longer fill old wine skins. The old system and traditional religious ways were not working. It is time for a reset.** The kingdom of heaven is active, aggressive, jealous, and marching on. It’s a consuming fire. I would never want to be on the receiving side of this tone of voice in Jesus’ words. He rarely spoke so directly. Yet, in a moment of great grace, compassion, and humility, he embarked on the most unsavory task of delivering a message of hope to men unworthy to receive it. Those who not only dismissed it, but did so with name-calling and the vitriol of a serpent.

Change is coming

When the Father decides it is time — to move, to act, to bring a change — He can use whatever means he chooses. Fishermen. Tax collectors. Nobodies like me. And even a man from the despised town of Nazareth. Jesus spoke beautiful, truthful, and healing words on behalf of his dad. But even as he did, the callousness of their hearts made them unfeeling, and the hardness of their soil made them impenetrable ground for the seed of faith.

When evaluating something new, the heart weighs many things. In the spreadsheet of life, a Pharisee had many items in the positive column validating their position with God: “We are sons of Aaron, priests, keepers of the temple and law of God. We have been educated in the scriptures and traditions of the faith. The people recognize us as leaders. We receive the tithe, the fruits of the temple, the honor of men. We are responsible for the relationship with Rome. Salvation is from Israel, and we are the leaders. —Yes, God is pleased with us.”

These items, although true (except the part about God being pleased), did not supersede the requirement to hear. A car has many fine attributes, especially when compared to a horse or walking, but without gas (or electricity), it does nothing. Jesus reduced the complexity of that spreadsheet: “He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear because you are not of God.”

God’s words are more powerful than the systems and people currently in place that do not reflect His heart. He is free to revoke membership at any time. With deep introspection this morning, I wonder about when he tells me things that will completely turn my perspective of my world and my life upside down if I will believe?

His kingdom is marching on, and I want to go with him. It is new every morning. The old has passed away. Even the new wineskins one day will be considered old. If the worn and threadbare Jewish covenant (just about 1,300 years old) can be upgraded, the one Jesus established (now 2,000+ years old) can be upgraded too.

Notes on who God considers true family:

Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. John 8:47

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Romans 8:14

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. John 3:8

* It was Israel that was sent to the nations. Jesus was sent to Israel. You can’t fix the water supply by filtering every faucet. Start with the reservoir. Then all faucets will have clean water.

** Jesus needed to do this. These men held the office. Even though the office holders were not worthy, the office was created by design, and it had not yet been shut down.

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