Proverbs 11:17 Mercy or cruelty_
The merciful man does himself good, But the cruel man does himself harm. Proverbs 11:17 NASB
I love the irony; being merciful compassion or forbearance offered to another for their benefit, yet Solomon says it actually helps the one offering it. The same affect also applies to the cruel man — causing someone pain is something that will hurt him just as much. And isn’t this the case with all of our behavior? It inevitably reflects back on ourselves. Behavior is reflective, it projects from me my nature and invites the same to return. My actions are an invitation. Incredible.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Matthew 5:7 NASB
The Hebrew for “himself” of the merciful man refers to a man’s soul or personality. The “himself” of the cruel man refers to his flesh and blood, offspring, family, something physical. Although being merciful may affect both my flesh and my soul, it impacts me in some way as a person. Mercy is generous. It gives something that belongs to me and offers it to another. When judgment or penalty should be there, instead, there is reprieve, grace, generosity, and most likely without merit of the other person. My generosity comes when my soul has been supplied, rich, taken care of. Prosperity of soul is a disposition of the sons and daughters of God. On the other hand, cruelty or willfully and knowingly causing pain to others not only reflects poorly on a person’s character, if reflects a poverty of spirit. It is not only a low point for your person, but it goes a step further and troubles your own flesh or family — the very thing you wish to do to another.
Every day I mix with other people and whether I recognize it or not, something is flowing from me. Either there is a grace and goodness or an expectation that others somehow meet my needs. (Seriously, just think about that other driver yesterday!) Something as subtle as a bad night sleep affects whether my disposition is set as a giver or a taker. When the covers are thrown back on creation and we see what is really at work, we will find that God, our Father, is the source of all that we need and all that is good. When my supply comes in the face of people, what a bonus! When my heart recognizes that all people are on the same journey as I am, from the inward wealth and deposit that the Father has made in my life, mercy and goodness may flow from me.
Reflecting what is inside — it is the golden rule seen in Proverbs: what I wish for myself, I do to others.