Proverbs 11:29 Family troubles_

He who troubles his own house will inherit the wind, And the fool will be servant to the wise of heart. Proverbs‬ ‭11:29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬‬

Every person alive has lessons to learn in life, and one way or another we will find ourselves in that classroom. The Hebrew word for wind is the same used for spirit, or breath. At first glance, it looks like the one who damages his family will receive nothing but a chill breeze and emptiness. And that may be true. But maybe he still inherits the Spirit. The Teacher. The One who reminds us of what we need to know and shows us the way. If a child is hurt by his parents a usual response is to wish upon them something similar — or at least an understanding of the hurt they caused me. But do I really want the same trouble for them? Maybe I simply want them to understand what they have done to me, to be taught, and in their heart make a correction. Then I’d really like to reconcile and have the relationship that I wished we could always have.

But why would someone trouble his own house? There are so many reasons, but sometimes I think it is because mom or dad (or both) are themselves from a troubled home. The very nothingness they received and the brokenness that resulted is passed along. Our good Father redeems broken souls. So if my mom and dad need repair, I know that the Holy Spirit is fully capable of that fix — whether in this life or the one coming. Inheritance is a powerful gift. It’s not just money or property, but virtue, calling, character, choices, discretion, and so many other powerful tools we may pass along. And whether or not I know it, my children are the recipient of all these things — the things I receive.

As a child I would look at my parents and my friend’s parents and see the stark differences in the way each family was managed. I’d wonder who gave this man and woman such authority over us kids? They wielded, what seemed to a child, so much power, so I listened and obeyed (mostly). My food, house, education, and well-being was managed by mom and dad. They are the CEO’s of Family Inc. Yet, just like real bosses, every parent takes a different approach and is either intentional about their responsibilities, or more simply, are just getting through another day. But make no mistake, they bear responsibility. But like this verse foreshadows, the lessons are coming so that maybe they will inherit something better.

The second part of the proverb fits hand in glove with the first — the fool serving the wise. As awful as that sounds, maybe it is a good thing. One who has not learned or listened in order to be wise by himself would do well to observe the wise. Being his servant, (co-worker, employee, economically disadvantaged) I will see first hand the heart, attitude, prudence, and discretion that someone who is wise uses. We all have lessons to learn in life. When will I learn mine?

When I look for grace, I find it. Even here when it looks like I will receive nothing or even worse, servitude, the Holy Spirit will make opportunity for me to see and hear Him. He knows the language I speak and how to teach me the things I need to know.

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