Proverbs 11:30 A tree of life_
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who is wise wins souls. Proverbs 11:30 NASB
A tree produces fruit. And fruit produces a tree. Of the many types of trees on earth, Jesus said you will know it’s type by its fruit. Identity is borne out in this vibrant cycle of life. And Solomon’s focus is that those who are connected with our God will become the tree, but not any ordinary tree.
The tree of life
The tree of life was first mentioned in Genesis in the Garden of Eden. Eating from its fruit empowered man to live forever. Was it a real tree or symbolic? I believe it was both— a real, tangible tree and at the same time a metaphor referring to the source of life. It’s helpful in understanding this tree to understand this nuance between the two.
Author Ted Dekker authored a book called Skin where, in addition to a fun, twisting, fast paced story, he wrote from the premise that things in our world are a beautiful covering or façade, representing a reality that is much deeper with meaning that may only be seen narrowly in creation — much like the skin on the body covers a very complex, well-designed biological system. What we see is only a hint of what is really there. I can see my pulse make my flesh move up and down, but I cannot see the circulatory system and the amazing heart which pumps constantly to keep me alive. Consider a baby in the womb who can only hear muffled sounds, see filtered light, feel well-cushioned pressure, and doesn’t yet understand what a blackberry pie tastes like—compared to the new life awaiting outside the womb.
Paul connected the physical and spiritual in Romans:
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made… Romans 1:20 NASB
In the Garden of Eden, the line between the two worlds was much narrower or fuzzier than it is today. Adam and Eve, who had not yet sinned, had much more continuity, connection, and integration between the visible and invisible compared to my experience today. When Adam ate from the tree of life, I believe it was both a physical fruit of the tree and the corresponding words that came from God — words that infused life. Yahweh spoke and creation appeared (a highly oversimplified transaction). His words, and the intent behind them, produced life. They are from Him. Shared by Him. And the results return to Him. Very similar to the fruit cycle of the tree. When Adam ate from that tree, he was choosing to trust that he was receiving all that he needed for life. Eternal life. The words spoken to him by Papa.
Becoming the tree
Even though we no longer have access to the real tree, God still gives us a tree of life from which to eat. Words. God’s words. Jesus’ words. Words that feed from others. They are life. In the book of John he writes: In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God…in him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Later Jesus says,
He who believes in me will live, even if he dies… John 11:25 NASB
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. John 6:63 NASB
Words are powerful. When I receive His words, I experience the very life He intended for Adam and all men from the very beginning. Being righteous is a theme in Proverbs, and simply being connected to God, He calls me “righteous.” And according to Solomon, I become that tree of life and produce this fruit. This is an amazing thought. Receiving a gift is one thing, but becoming the gift is quite another. In the same way Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Then he said to me, “you are the light of the world.” Just as Jesus forgives sin, he told us that we may do the same. Freely we have received, so freely we too may give. He is the firstborn. We are his brothers and sisters and receive the same inheritance. And this is the incredible part — we become the very living, tangible, touch-me-if-you-may tree of life to others. God’s life-giving words are now our life-giving words. Our bodies, mind, and spirits become a storybook from which others may eat of its fruit.
He who wins souls
Then Solomon says, “he who is wise win souls.” The connection between the two thoughts is profound.
To win souls may be translated: to catch, or snare, rescue. Like a skillful hunter doing what it takes to find his game. There is a sense that I personally transcend whatever obstacles are present and establish real relationship with another. I win another’s friendship, trust, and loyalty. Gain rapport and confidence. And because the righteous is a tree of life, this very relationship allows the souls of men and women to feed from my fruit. They receive my love. They observe my behavior. They enjoy my encouragement. They reach out to me in difficulty. The result is inevitably life.
Whether in business or in the church, I’ve been exposed to so many different levels of establishing “wins” to further an organization’s mission. For me personally I must cut through all of the history of relationship management or “soul winning” and land in a safe place of simply loving others. Genuinely. With no plans for my or anyone else’s gain. Sometimes it takes work but with no other agenda I want to reach out to those that Jesus would reach out to, winning friendship and honoring, no matter who they are. This puts human souls within arms-reach of the some very good fruit. And I believe this is what Solomon is saying.