Proverbs 12:12 Deep roots

The lawless man craves the prey [gain] of the wicked, But the root of the righteous is enduring. Proverbs 12:12 (Rotherham)

The wicked covet the catch of evil men, But the root of the righteous yields fruit. Proverbs 12:12 NKJV

Man craves. I see then I want. My desire combined with my values create the context in which I pursue life. So the important question is: what do I want? Every morning when I wake I endeavor to answer to that question. Whether or not I acknowledge it, what I want or need propels my life forward — It is my motivation every day. Knowing this, isn’t it so much better to be thoughtful and intentional about my desires rather than let an impulsive, needy lust for something erupt unexpectedly to the shock of others (and myself!)?

There is perhaps an intended contrast between the restless and often fruitless activity of the hunter with his net, and the calm, stedfast fruit-bearing, as by a natural process, of the firmly-rooted tree.

Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

The “catch” or “gain” that Solomon speaks of is a real thing. It’s an increase. If you are an outdoorsman, there is something very exciting about the hunt then the success of the kill. In a way, it is like a drug and when I am successful, the feeling of euphoria from my accomplishment is my opioid. This “catch,” whatever it is, is material. Temporary. Not self-sustaining. Gained by cunning or a clever method. Possibly blackmail or deceit. But when the end justifies the means and there is no discrimination about how I make my gain, one thing is certain— Kingdom values are not my goal.

The second part of the Proverb is about a root. Something steady, predictable, and producing life-giving fruit. It is deep — pulling from the nutrients of the earth and the history of those that have preceded me. Kingdom values sustain. Valuing what my Father values. Jesus valued his Abba. The Bible describes him as both the root and offspring of David. He is the root and vine to which I have been connected. This whole imagery contrasts two sources of food: the adrenaline-pumping hunt juxtaposed with the steady and enduring life with character. Food from the root does not provide the same narcotic-like high of the hunt, nor the manic low that failure or a drug-addicted withdrawal brings.

The root supplies the sap and vigour needed for healthy produce. Without any evil devices or plotting, the righteous gain all that they want as the natural result of their high principles.

The Pulpit Commentary

There are two natures inside of me; one pulls me to the excitement of the new, the rush of the catch, the unconventional, without regard for my values, laws, or the goodness people deserve. The other reminds me to be steady, drink deeply, skip the shortcuts, learn from those who have gone before, and prioritize relationships. The conclusion makes me laugh — kingdom life sounds like it may be drab and dreary with no fun or adventure when I put it in these terms. But then I remember, God created fun. He leads us on paths that have spectacular views, incredible discoveries, and increase and provision — but in a context in which he provides great safety and care even in hell-raising adventure.

A lucky shot or a life goals and values that produce provision: which will I value more?

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