Proverbs 12:3 Roots and a Healthy Soul

A man is not established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous cannot be moved. Proverbs12:3NKJV

Or more literally:

A son of earth shall not be established by lawlessness, but the root of the righteous shall not be disturbed. Proverbs 12:3 Rotherham

Or more loosely:

You can’t find firm footing in a swamp, but life rooted in God stands firm. Proverbs12:3 MSG

Roots. Metaphors in the kingdom that revolve around planting, growing, and fruitfulness are rich and frequent. Here, Solomon likens stability, peace, longevity, and even succession to a root. The way something grows, thrives, and the fruit it yields reflects a complicated ecosystem where nourishment, water, sun, heat, soil condition, and even what grows nearby, have a bearing on success. Jesus’ parable of the sower in Luke 8 likened the soil into which the seed was planted to the condition of our hearts in receiving his word, or any truth. In any context, fruitfulness does not lie.

Foundations are important. People have an intrinsic need for stability belonging or being “established”, which literally means: “standing erect or to be fixed, prepared, provided for…” When looking at a plant, it’s natural to focus on its appearance, beauty, and the fruitfulness it yields.  Yet what is below ground, unseen, is equally important. Like the liver and intestines don’t look very pretty and are thankfully out of sight, so are a plant’s gnarly, far-reaching, spider web-looking roots.  The seen and unseen are both necessary for success. Roots literally ground the tree. They spread out seeking water and nourishment. And in the very act of identifying sources of vitality and life comes an underground support system that physically balances what is happening above ground. It’s no small coincidence that the biggest, most beautiful and fruitful trees have well established roots. As a new believer I saw and valued maturity — and I wanted it form myself now! I wanted to yield the same fruit as those I considered my mentors and models. Yet “now” was impossible. Maturity needs time.

As a side note, while I was contemplating a plant’s underground support system, it made me wonder about how communities of plants support each other. Although the idea has been around for a while that plants are marvelously interconnected and interdependent, scientists are finding more evidence in fact, they communicate with each other. Wired magazine recently published an article about a 1983 study that was originally discredited for a number of reasons, but now has new supporting evidence:

Two studies published in 1983 demonstrated that willow trees, poplars and sugar maples can warn each other about insect attacks: Intact, undamaged trees near ones that are infested with hungry bugs begin pumping out bug-repelling chemicals to ward off attack. They somehow know what their neighbors are experiencing, and react to it. The mind-bending implication was that brainless trees could send, receive and interpret messages.

Whether plant or human, getting the right balance for growth is not rocket science. It’s easy to tell when I am thriving and blooming or not. One thing is certain, lawlessness, or ignoring the rules and facts, does not work. As depressing as it is to list, those who walk away from Kingdom wisdom — suffer, whither, are cast aside for lack of value, and perish with no seed to offer. In a nutshell (no pun intended) they are not established. Memory of them is poof! gone.

But as a believer my roots, my source, are the rivers of life flowing from God’s Spirit. He’s providing me constant nourishment from an invisible place. It’s source originates in Heaven. And the meal that flows to me daily is love, mixed with grace, possibility, hope, and a perspective that I could not create on my own. Having roots go down is just as important as the shoot going up. From this root springs my person. Someone that looks like any other person really, but is fundamentally different. I am a son of heaven, a son of God. And my root goes deep. The very promises and assurances that my Father gave to Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, the motley group of disciples, the adulterous woman, and everyone who believes are now mine.

I, Jesus… am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star. Revelation 22:16 NKJV

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