Proverbs 12:7 Good outlasts not-so-good
The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand. Proverbs 12:7
I like how Rotherham translates this: Overthrown are the lawless and they are not…
It’s easy to read through the words about the lawless and think, “Yeah, they get what’s coming to them!” and move on. Yet for a lawless one or the wicked to be overthrown means they are in a position of power. It’s ironic that one who is lawless is in power — doesn’t the definition of being in power include subjugation and dominion by some set of rules? This one lives a lie. What applies to others does not apply to them.
Just because someone has authority or leadership today, doesn’t mean they are the picture of righteousness and goodness and that God has given them their place. Some would say, “God is in control, the leaders we have are the leaders He’s placed.” Yes, I may trust in His love for me and goodness for my life, but this does not mean God has anything to do with who becomes governor or president. We live in a fallen world and things are not always as they appear to be. Likewise, our adversary roams and romps for a season, he looks like “Lucifer” the shining one, but in reality he is “Diabolos” the one that is desperately accusing me every day. Although he’s had so many years to make his case against mankind, there will be a day that he and his kingdom are… no more.
Strongs Hebrew for overthrown means: to turn about or over; by implication, to change, overturn, or return. Whoever the wicked are, it’s like the Lord puts a shovel in the ground and turns the soil upside down. Whatever was growing is now buried. “Let’s start over and turn this earth under so something new may grow in its place.”
The righteous do not always appear to be the picture of stability and longevity. They are not always the ones with the biggest house, or any house at all, the biggest portfolio of assets, or any material wealth at all. Yet His word declared over me are: “I will stand.” The Hebrew word has a mixture of meaning and includes both taking a stand and enduring. The point being, I am here to stay. If one is only looking at the outward the wicked will looks at me an laughs! “You fool, you do not look like you have any ability to endure and last! Look who has the position, power, the advantage on earth now!” But the sons of the King have a promise which it will not fail. I will stand. I will endure. I will be here when the boastful one is not. Mercy and justice will prevail, regardless of the outward appearances for the moment. The meek inherit the earth.
This proverb is simple, but profound. Things are not always as they appear, but the goodness of God in His family will outlast the others.