Proverbs 13:11 The intersection of money and work

Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles, But the one who gathers by labor increases it.

Proverbs 13:11

Fraud, from a Hebrew root meaning vapor, breath, emptiness, vanity.

The NIV translates, “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” And Rotherham, “Wealth gotten by greed diminishes, but he that gathers by little [or, on the hand] increases it.

Making a living takes work. It requires me to trade a large part of the best hours of my life for a paycheck, or if self-employed, to running a business. There are moments when I feel tired. In life, there is more that I want and need to do than I have time for. At the end of most of our lives, our tanks are simply out of gas. Today I often hear others ask themselves — thinking the answer is obvious, “If I won the lottery, would I go to work tomorrow?”

The value of labor

What I am doing today, my engagement with my employer, and all the frustrations and energy spent that comes with earning a living do not undo a core truth on this earth — the work I do is crammed full of possibilities. There is nothing more thrilling than putting my heart and mind to a task and then watching it come to fruition. The work I do is the intersection of my gifts with the ecosystem and economy of my society. Like going to school, I do not choose those with whom I must interact — and this can be both a drag and if I’m honest, a blessing. Work accomplishes and enjoying the fruit of my labor is written into my DNA. In fact, I personally believe that Adam was so enamored by the job he was given on earth that his distraction set him up to be tempted.

When I understand the power of multiplication, dreaming a dream and working to make it reality, the power behind speaking a word, and growing an expectation, I too could be tempted away from the rest in my Father that I am called to.

Yet it’s not one or the other — it’s not rest or work. It’s both. I am called to work. To do. To live fully. But to do so from the context of rest, acceptance and love. I’m a fool to think my success only comes from my work. It comes from work and the favor and blessing of God. Together, a son of the kingdom is unstoppable with anything the Spirit has put on my heart or mind.

Why fraud doesn’t work

How foolish to think that gain caused by a lie would benefit me, let alone last or be sustained. None of the characteristics of soul needed to possess it are there to maintain it. This is why winning the lotto, being gifted a home, stumbling across a treasure, will never last… I don’t have the core ingredients to sustain it. It vanishes like the dew in the morning sun.

Labor, literally means “by hand.” Increase from my efforts, heart, soul, mind, and body, are those I value. I gather. Collect. Organize. Distribute. Share. I become a magnet for what I am seeking. It’s rare that one would open a refrigerator to find fish if you do not own a pole. Or money in an account if I don’t have a paycheck. On the other hand, when I have a little and share it, I am not surprised (much) when I find that there is enough. Sometimes more than enough. Those things I value… increase.

For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.

Matthew13:12 NASB

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