Proverbs 13:17 A healing message

A wicked messenger falls into adversity, but a faithful envoy brings healing. Proverbs 13:17 (NAS)

A [wicked, lawless] messenger falls into [trouble, hardship, mischief, evil, adversity], but a [faithful, trustworthy] [envoy, ambassador, herald] brings healing.

Solomon contrasts the two words used for messenger. The first is “malak” and is translated almost equally as messenger and angel (of God). Envoy is “tsiyr” and is used less frequently and intrinsically refers to a diplomatic messenger.

Where is the Spirit breathing on this proverb? I think the distinguishing word is faithful or trustworthy. Why would anyone want to distort a message they have been given to deliver? It’s not their message, yet they are in a position to influence what is communicated. There is an assumed and expected level of trust bestowed from the message-giver to the message-deliverer. Will it accurately reflect the source? Will it be understood by the recipient?

How often do I act on behalf of another? Almost daily. I am directly a messenger for my employer or the department for which I work, the kingdom of heaven, my family, and indirectly for my country and potentially numerous other affiliations. Most messages I deliver are not of my own making. So, how do I maintain the message with integrity (whole, entire, undiminished)? Is it with confidence, contentment, or hope? Or despair and dissatisfaction? Will I color or shade the content to reflect me more or less? Will I be purposeful about representing the source — whether I agree or approve or not? Or will it reflect my bias, or worse, my personal agenda? My point in asking so many questions is that although I am constantly in a position of being a messenger —I have a choice to make about making a delivery that would honor the sender’s intentions..

Going back to the original meaning of messenger, about half the time in the Old Testament it is used of God’s messengers. Thinking of all angelic, invisible messengers from the kingdom, not all have been faithful to their duty or mission. In fact, many have turned to subvert it and preempt it with their own. Thinking about the job description of those spirit winds, their duty is straightforward according to Paul.

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews1:14NIV

They were created to assist me. But when Satan woke up one morning and saw himself, his own beauty and power, then looked at man, he saw what we see — a being lower, more humble, inferior to himself.

It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come… [but] what is mankind that you are mindful of them, a son of man that you care for him? You made them a little lower than the angels; you crowned them with glory and honor and put everything under their feet. Hebrews 2:5-8 NIV

We’re not like Lucifer, with his knowledge, power, beauty, and fluidity in the spirit — yet the future of creation was destined for man in the principle role, not the angels. These messengers are a part of a two part whole — we need each other. I cannot do or be what I was designed to be without their participation. So, as the chief messenger, Lucifer, not only abandoned his mission to serve man he also took many spirits with him in mutiny and instead became the “wicked messengers.” Every person who lusts for their own dominance and breaks the trust they have been given by changing the the task of delivering the message is subverting it for their own gain and becoming just like their father, the devil.

I love the contrast between the wicked and the faithful messenger. The true messenger recognizes his duty. He’s an “envoy” of the government, a kingdom representative. It’s an official, legal message from the true ruler — and it is a message of peace. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Life. Forever life. No matter what condition the messenger finds me in, his words are healing and good to my soul. This was the message given to Lucifer and Michael to deliver. One was wicked, one was faithful.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 NIV

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